Wisdom Lane Middle School

Wisdom Lane Middle School

Wisdom Lane Middle School is a school dedicated to the social, emotional, and academic development of its students. Our atmosphere cultivates a healthy respect for learning and for the students who attend this school. We take great pride in our dedication to addressing each and every student's needs and providing each student with a supportive atmosphere necessary for success during this critical time of life. We believe in an open-door policy which allows both students and parents to quickly and easily communicate with all members of our school. Wisdom's philosophy encourages close communication with parents and community members to provide the best possible experience for our students.

Our "Sixth Grade Wing" offers a perfect transition from the elementary atmosphere into the middle school. Our sixth grade clusters allow both parents and teachers clear and easy communication. Our seventh and eighth grade programs are designed to slowly transfer more responsibility to the students, and by the eighth grade our students are prepared academically, socially, and emotionally for the high school experience

We believe the middle school experience provided by Wisdom Lane integrates all elements needed for success.