General Douglas MacArthur High School
3369 Old Jerusalem Rd.
Levittown NY 11756
(516) 434-7225

MacArthur Clubs and Activities

American Sign Language
Ms. Peter-Wrobleski

This club is for students that want to learn and expand on the basic structure of the American Sign Language and the cultural differences between American Deaf and hearing people.

Art Club Advisor
Ms. Gomes-Vance / Mr. Merz

The Art Club meets weekly and provides inspiration and opportunity to students to work on individual and group art projects. Club activities include banner and mural painting, competitions, field trips, and exhibitions. We work cooperatively with other clubs to provide services to the school and community.

Art Honor Society Advisor
Ms. Briskin

The purpose of National Art Honor Society (NAHS) is to recognize and inspire students who have shown outstanding artistic scholarship. The NAHS promotes student leadership and service to the school and community through the development of artistic endeavors together with a strong moral character. By exemplifying these standards, the members of the society promote an awareness of art and become active participants in the education process at their school and in their community.

Broadcast Club (Semester 1 & 2)
Mr. Farney

The objective of this club is to give the members the opportunity to become involved in all aspects of creating news broadcasts that cover important events at MacArthur High School.

Business Honor Society Advisor
Ms. Savage

The BHS stimulates interest in business and finance for club members. All members of the society are recognized at a ceremony culminating successful completion of the requirements for BHS

Chamber Ensemble Advisor
Ms. Musial

The objective of the Chamber Ensemble Club is to enhance the musical abilities of the students involved, and develop better intonation and perform as a small ensemble.

Club Illuminate
Ms. Dunninger

This club exists to engage students in the reflection of Biblical principles as they apply to their lives in today's cultural society. In a safe and friendly environment, members share from their personal lives in order to uplift and encourage each other. Through discussions and activities, members discuss and implement making a difference in the lives of the staff, student body, and community.

Color Guard
Ms. Regan

The objective of this club is to enhance the performance of the marching band with flag routines, rings, ribbons, dancing and sabres.

Culinary Club
Ms. Russo

This club is designed to motivate and inspire students interested in the culinary arts or international cuisine.

Drama Production
Ms. Levenberg / Ms. Wellenreuther

The Drama Club seeks students interested in all aspects of dramatic production to rehearse and perform fully staged theatre pieces.

ENL. Club
MS. NaimoolChadee

The objective of the E.L.L. Club is to share cultural information with students from other countries. In addition, students will discuss information useful in acclimating students to high school.

Environmental Awareness
Dr. Friedman / Mr. Zausin

The purpose of this club is to expose students to the world around them. Students who are members of this club will participate in a number of experiments involving ground water and water pollution.

Five Star Social
Ms. Sciulla

The 5-Star Social Event Club is designed for students who want to participate more in school activities, including playing a prominent role in the MacArthur H.S. community. Under the guidance of the advisor, this club will meet regularly to plan, discuss and organize school sanctioned events for the benefit of the students' social success and involvement.

Freshman Class
Ms. Langan

The Freshman Class Officers are a group of 6 elected students that are responsible for activities and decision making for the Freshman Class. Officers will regularly meet to discuss relevant issues and to plan fundraising activities that will benefit their class. The election process begins in September. Any Freshman interested in becoming a class officer must submit an application at that time.

International Club
Ms. Graziano / Ms. Gutierrez

The objective of the International Club is to enrich the knowledge of cultures and languages of various nationalities.

Junior Class
Ms. Mignone

Junior Class Officers meet to plan and decorate the Homecoming banner, Annual Halloween Dance, and Junior Banquet. Officers of the Junior Class also plan fundraising events such as popcorn and cotton candy sales as well as Valentine's day carnation sales.

Key Club
Mr. Russell

The purpose of the Key Club is to do community service within MacArthur High School as well as the surrounding community. This club is open to all students.

Lighting & Sound
Ms. Cristallo

The Lighting & Sound Crew meets on a weekly basis to plan for upcoming events which includes the use of lighting and sound. Alternate weeks are used to train younger members on new equipment.

Long Island Quiz Bowl
Mr. Levy

The MacArthur Quiz Bowl team consists of students in various grade levels that competes each month in a "head to head" academic competition with other schools in our region.

Ms. Levenberg

MacApella is a musical club devoted to performing diverse musical pieces without the accompaniment of instruments.

Ms. Lacey / Ms. Tonn

Maccept will perform activities to promote positive behavior, organize incentives and recognize students for exemplary behavior and character. Maccept also promotes inclusiveness and diversity.

Marching Band
Mr. Romano

The Marching Band is a co-curricular activity which offers band students the opportunity to learn about marching band music and performance techniques. Attention is paid to precision and uniformity in movement, as well as developing a respect for a "chain of command" from the directors through the Drum Majors and section leaders.

Math Honor Society
Mr. Cooley

The Math Honor Society tries to stimulate interest in Mathematics by providing recognition of superior mathematic scholarship and promoting various mathematical activities.

Meditation & Mindfulness Club
Ms. Dawson

To practice meditation and mindfulness in a group to promote healthy ways of thinking, living, and being. Throughout the year the Meditation and Mindfulness Club we will discuss strategies of maintaining a healthy mind as well as earn techniques of meditation. During each meeting we hope to include a guided meditation along with strategies discussion followed by a discussion of our experiences.

Model Congress
Ms. Reynolds

Model Congress provides students with the opportunity to study U.S. Congress, politics, and formal debate. Members learn the skills of identifying current issues, putting ideas into writing, and presenting concerns in an open forum.

Musical Production
Ms. Levenberg / Ms. Wellenreuther

The Musical Production Club is the core of MacArthur's four musical theatre productions. Students who enjoy all aspects of the performing arts(singing, dancing and acting) are encouraged to join us as we learn our craft and rehearse our lines for each spectacular show.

National Honor Society
Ms. McCue

The objective of this club is to promote the criteria of the National Honor Society. Scholarship, leadership, service, character; to enhance academic excellence and to provide service to the school and to the community.

Peer Leaders
Ms. Reynolds / Mr. Farney

Peer leaders is a service club aimed to ease the transition for 9th graders from middle school to high school. Peer leaders are selected through a rigorous application process and are expected to make a year-long commitment to the club's activities.

Physical Fitness Advisor (Semester I and II)
Mr. Fehrenbach

The Physical Fitness Club provides a safe, supervised exercise program in which MacArthur students can engage in strength conditioning.

Pride For All
Ms. Pernick

PFA is a student-run club that provides LGBTQ+ students, friends, and allies a safe and supportive space to socialize and discuss LGBTQ matters and concerns. The club welcomes a community of diverse students, respects identity and individuality, encourages new friendships, and builds social networks to help promote acceptance within the student body.

Recycling Club
Ms. Graziano / Ms. Gutierrez

The club collaborates with the custodial staff in keeping MacArthur H.S. "Green". Members will promote "Go Green Facts" of the day, and each classroom and office will have a recycling container for paper.

School Store
Mr. Farney / Ms. Savage

The School Store allows students to work in a retail environment and gain valuable people skills. Students take care of the inventory, ordering, storing, stocking and selling merchandise.

Science Olympiad
Dr. Friedman / Mr. Zausin

The objective of this club is to prepare the students to participate in the Science Olympiad competition, which is traditionally held at Bishop Kellenberg.

Senior Class Advisor
Ms. Roaldsen

The Senior Class Officers are responsible for many school activities. They are the "voice" of the senior class and are responsible for making decisions in collaboration with the building administration.

Senior Mathletes
Mr. Levy

The objective of Senior Mathletes is to compete against other member teams from Nassau County in after school competitions while attempting to solve challenging mathematical problems.

Senior Variety Show
Ms. Reynolds / Ms. Roaldsen

The objective of this club is to prepare Seniors for their participation in the variety show.

Senior Video Club
Mr. Farney

The members of the Senior Video club collaborate on creating a memorable tribute video of the entire senior class.

Sophomore Class
Ms. Kristoff / Ms. Savage

The purpose of the Sophomore class is to organize activities and participate in decision making. Officers will collaborate with building administration on any relevant issues.

Tri-M Music Honor Society
Ms. Levenberg / Ms. Musial

The Tri-M Music Honor Society recognizes, through a highly competitive application process, MacArthur music students for their musical ability, academic excellence, school involvement and community service.

Winter Wind Ensemble
Mr. Romano

The Winter Wind Ensemble is composed of MacArthur students who play woodwind instruments. Participation is open to all students in MacArthur. The club offers students the unique performance opportunity of playing chamber music in a small group setting.

World Language Honor Society
Ms. Dawson

The purpose of the World Language Honor Society is to acknowledge and recognize high academic achievement in foreign language. The club also promotes worldliness and appreciation for other cultures.

Ms. Savage

Yearbook members will assist in designing the MacArthur High School's yearbook. Members will be responsible for gathering all of the necessary information and will gain insight into all phases of Desktop Publishing and computer graphing.

Young Composer's Club
Mr. Romano

The Young Composer's Club is an organization open to all students with an interest in composing music. The club is designed to provide a venue for exploration of various aspects of being a professional composer as well as creating a forum for the exchange of ideas amongst students who share a common interest.