Welcome to PowerSchool Parent Portal

All Parents/Guardians - If you have not created your own account on the Parent Portal, or added all your children to your account, or if you need to edit your email address, now is a good time.

Why Access PowerSchool's Parent Portal?

Parents now have immediate access to:

  • Grades & Attendance (current school year only)
  • Gradebook
    (grades 6-12 only)
  • Report Card History (all years)
  • Student Schedule (current school year only; available from August to June)
  • Next Year Course Requests (available February to June)
  • Next Year Course Enrollments (available June to August)
  • MySchoolBucks link
  • Access Logs (allows you to see who has been viewing each student's information, and when, if a student is linked to more than one Parent Portal account)
  • Account Preferences
  • NYS Assessments Link


PowerSchool Mobile 1.0 is now available!PowerSchool Mobile 1.0 is now available!District Code

Launch the Parent Portal to log in or create your account.

To Begin Using the Parent Portal

  • Read Our Parent Portal Tutorials
  • Watch Our Video Tutorial on Creating an Account
    1. Please click the button above to create your account:
    2. NOTE: For security reasons, student access ID's and password information will NOT be provided on the phone or given to students. We can mail it to you, or you can come by in person to your child's school or the Computer Department with a valid NYS Drivers License.
    3. If you have followed the directions, you should have successfully created your account and added your children. You may add additional children at any time or modify your account settings by clicking on the Account Preferences link.

We hope you find these tools both useful and informative. A list of frequently asked questions (FAQ's) are located below for your assistance:

PowerSchool Frequently Asked Questions

What is PowerSchool?
PowerSchool is a student information system that manages a wide range of information, including grades, attendance, tests, demographics, activities, courses, and photos. Because the program has been designed using Internet-based software tools, it connects parents and students to a large variety of information.
Will report cards still be printed by the school district?
Yes. If a parent would like a printed report card, they must fill out an Opt Out form and submit it to the Computer Department each academic year. The form can be obtained from the Guidance Department or Main Office of your child's school.
Whom should I call if I have a question?
Please contact the appropriate department using the table below:

Question Topic Person to Contact
Parent Requests for Access ID Information Call your child's school
Username / Password do not work The Main Office - Follow the online directions
Parent Requests technical assistance The Computer Department (516) 434-7105 or e-mail us using this form
Questions regarding progress report & report card comments The classroom teacher
Questions regarding individual class grades The classroom teacher
Attendance in a specific class on a specific day The classroom teacher
Grades, GPA, Graduation Progress, and Class Rank Your child's guidance counselor
General attendance questions, General class schedule questions, questions related to absences The school's attendance office
Do all teachers post grade and attendance information to the PowerSchool server?
Attendance is posted by teachers and by the attendance office. Secondary teachers assign and post attendance to PowerSchool at different times throughout the day. For elementary schools, attendance is taken first thing in the morning. As always, feel free to contact the attendance office at any time.
How often can we expect grades to be updated?
Grades are updated by the classroom teacher to the Gradebook daily for secondary students. For elementary students, grades are updated based on the dates specified in the district calendar.
How often can we expect attendance to be updated?
At the High Schools and Middle Schools, teachers do their best to record attendance by the end of every period. However, teachers that instruct in multiple classrooms, in the gym, or outdoors, may record attendance for multiple periods at one time. At the elementary schools, attendance is done first thing in the morning.

The attendance office may modify attendance codes as they receive information from parents throughout the school day.
Do all teachers use the same grading scales?
NO. Grade scales are based on the courses that your child is enrolled in. District grade scales consist of: Numeric, College Credit, AP, Accelerated, Pass/Fail. All teachers share the grade scales as well as other class policy information with their students at the beginning of each course.
I know that teachers sometimes weight different categories of grades. How does this affect how a grade is calculated?
Many teachers use categories such as tests, quizzes, daily work to organize and give different weights to grades; how they weight them is an individual decision. Teachers share with students how they grade at the beginning of each course.
What can I see on the Parent Portal site?
Parents can access the following information on the Parent Portal:
  • Grades & Attendance (current school year only)
  • Gradebook (grades 6-12 only)
  • Report Card History (all years)
  • Student Schedule (current school year only; available from August to June)
  • Next Year Course Requests (available February to June)
  • Next Year Course Enrollments (available June to August)
  • MySchoolBucks link
  • Access Logs (allows you to see who has been viewing each student's information, and when, if a student is linked to more than one Parent Portal account)
  • Account Preferences (allows you to add students and modify your profile)
  • NYS Assessments (allows you to see any grade 3-8 Math, ELA or Science assessments that your child took)
Can other people see my child's grades?
We provide Access ID information only to parents and/or legal guardians. As long as you protect this information, and the username/password of your Parent Portal account, others will not be able to see your child's information.
How does one create a PowerSchool username and password?
Please refer to our tutorial which outlines the necessary steps to create your account.
Are Parent Portal usernames and passwords case sensitive?
Username and Password
For Parent Portal the username you create is not case sensitive, however, the password you create is case sensitive. SPECIAL NOTE: Do not use your e-mail address (anyone@anywhere.net) as your username, the system will not recognize it and you will not be able to log in.

Student Access ID and Passwords
The letter you received in the mail contains an Access ID and Password that is case sensitive. Please note that the Access ID is all uppercase letters and the Password is all numeric.

Please be sure you enter in the information as printed in your letter.
Can I change my username and password?
YES, you are able to change your username and/or password on the "Account Preferences" link (top right of screen). Please keep it confidential. You should treat it as you would an ATM card or credit card.
What if my e-mail address changes?
It is very important for the Parent Portal to have your correct e-mail address. It is used by the "Forgot Username" and "Forgot Password" processes. You can view and update your e-mail address on the Account Preference link (top right of screen)

Once an e-mail address has changed, an automatic e-mail notification will be sent to both the old and new e-mail addresses, for added security.
What do I do if I forgot my Parent Portal password?
Go to the Levittown Public Schools Parent Portal Sign In page and click on "Forgot Username or Password?"
What do the codes like Q1, Q2, S1, S2, X1...mean?
These are labels for different types of grades and terms and are sometimes specific to schools. Generally Q1 & Q2 represent final grades for Quarters 1 and 2. P1 & P2 are for Progress Reports. X1 represents a Midterm Exam for Full Year Courses and X2 is for Semester 1 Final Exams. Q3, Q4, etc. represent individual marking period grades that fall within the semesters. P3 & P4 are Progress Reports for 3rd and 4th quarters. You will find the codes intuitive and easy to understand.
Is my child being marked absent for ML - Music Lessons?
No, the music lesson code is a present code. Please note that the classroom teacher may mark the student as absent until the attendance office has an opportunity to update student music lesson attendance for the day.
What do I do if I'm still having trouble logging into the Parent Portal?
Please contact the Computer Department by phone to resolve any login issues regarding the Parent Portal. (516) 434-7105 (Mon. - Fri. 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM.)
What is Levittown's District Code for PowerSchool mobile apps?
On the login page, please enter BFKT for Levittown's district code.